The Philanthro-Lab is a unique space dedicated to the growth of philanthropy. Thanks to its sponsors and partners, it supports the actions and causes of those who are committed to the general interest.

Acceleration programme

Organisational development
Project duration
2024 → 2026

Launched in 2020 and inaugurated in 2021, the Philanthro-Lab provides a shared workspace in the heart of Paris reserved for not-for-profit organisations. Among other things, it offers a programme of events focusing on philanthropic issues and professions (conferences, round tables, etc.) and supports the growth and professional development of up-and-coming projects by associations and philanthropists through the "Incubator". In 2024, the Philanthro-Lab decided to add to its range of services by launching a second training programme, the "Accelerator", designed to help more mature charities scale up.

Through its organisational development department, the Audemars Piguet Foundation for Common Good is contributing to the first three editions of the Philanthro-Lab Accelerator. Each edition is aimed at around ten associations, with the objective of training and equipping their managers to build their association's capacity and help it scale up. A call for applications to select the participants is issued each year. For three intensive months, the winners receive group training on a range of strategic subjects, tailored support and individual consultations, all provided by a panel of expert partners. They also have access to advice and conferences organised by Philanthro-Lab, and benefit from contact with other players in the philanthropy sector. The Philanthro-Lab also provides each winning organisation with a free workstation in its co-working space for a period of six months.

The Accelerator extends the approach initiated by the Philanthro-Lab with its Incubator, which contributes to the individual support provided to project leaders and furthers the organisational development of associations, helping them become more professional to increase their impact for their beneficiaries and society.


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