Through its "Young Talents" programme, Yojoa provides young people with tailored support for developing their career plans and creates opportunities for internships, apprenticeships and first jobs.

Stabilise and scale: supporting Yojoa's activities to help vulnerable young people

Vocational training/craftsmanship | Organisational development
Project duration
2024 → 2026

Founded in 2020, Yojoa aims to help disadvantaged and socially vulnerable young people achieve their full potential on the jobs market, while encouraging employers to embrace greater diversity and inclusion. The association advocates a paradigm shift that sees diversity as an asset for society rather than a burden.

Driven by the conviction that bringing greater diversity into the workplace is both a lever for collective intelligence and a source of creativity and innovation, Yojoa’s approach to supporting struggling young people involves taking action at several levels. Through its "Young Talents" programme, the association provides young people with tailored support for developing their career plans and creates opportunities for internships, apprenticeships and first jobs. It works closely with local businesses to ensure these professional experiences are a success. It also encourages them to offer internships or apprenticeships to these vulnerable groups, while ensuring they are well-equipped to welcome them into their teams.

In parallel, Yojoa offers soft skills workshops designed to boost self-confidence and help these young talents prepare for potential job interviews by highlighting the value of their complex career paths. These workshops enable participants to re-evaluate their history in a positive light, identify their strengths and learn how to present themselves with conviction to potential employers.

In addition to supporting the "Young Talents" programme, the Audemars Piguet Foundation for Common Good also financed an organisational diagnosis within the association.

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